Monday, February 13, 2012

Cost of College

Is the cost of college really worth it? I ask myself many times if paying all the money I’m pay is worth staying in college. There are many people that already have good jobs and get paid at a decent amount. Students and parents continue to be in debt because of loans, and a lot of students can’t find jobs after graduating. People have to make a plan before going to college.
First, I know plenty of people that have great jobs without a college degree. They get paid well and do what they actually love to do. More than 40% of people who enroll in college dropout and get jobs. The people that are staying in college can’t find jobs after they graduate. Finding jobs is getting harder and harder and it’s leaving students with a job that doesn’t pertain to their major.
Second, students are fallen in debt more every year. The debt for students rises every year and in the next 20 years debt will grow 9%. If students don’t find a good job after graduating they’re not going to be able to pay off their debt for a long period of time. The average cost of college is rose 7.1% within the past year. Nearly two- thirds of student graduates have gotten loans for school. It’s going to make it hard for students to afford going to school and if they do go to school it’s going to make it harder to pay back every year.
Third, students have to quit their job because they aren’t making enough money to pay back their debt. The jobs they have are actually jobs they like. Unemployment rate for college graduates rises every single year. Most college students between the ages of 25-35 are actually finding jobs in the food and beverage service as a waitress or bar tender. Students continue to stay in the food beverage service 2-5 years after graduating and they still can’t find a job that fits their major.
In conclusion, college can be a great for a good life, but it’s not always reliable. It takes a lot to get to where you need to go for success and college doesn’t make it that easy. Meanwhile people are making a well paying job and others are paying for college and become in debt years after graduating. Hard work and dedication doesn’t always pay off. 

1 comment:

  1. The colors displayed on the blog really tie into the issue that college is too expensive. The colors symbolize burdens brought to the student by the high tuition and the picture really brings home the idea that it is a burden.

    I am most convinced by the idea that the loans that students agree to pay back are becoming harder to pay back with every passing year. Those loans add up. If high pay isn't attained within the few years following graduation, then the debt and bankruptcy rates will only increase in the US. It would have helped Sheena's argument had she included the statistics for college students finding a high paying job within their major.

    Her research is displayed in an obvious way but the problem is that within her blog, she doesn't cite which source gave her which information. Even though there were citing errors, her use of facts and support was very well executed and expressed her point of view on the issue perfectly.

    Sheena's point of view on the issue of college tuition was that it was too expensive and that the time spent in school could be used to get a job and make money, instead of accumulating debt and not being able to later find a job. This point of view was strongly expressed and it wasn't vague at all. It was focused. However, I did not see a rebuttal for what someone might say about the positive side of high tuition expenses.

    Sheena your argument and facts were very strong. Keep writing because you have a great voice when you write. Just be careful about grammar(even though we weren't being graded on it), because sometimes it can distract your reader from the actual message you have to share. Overall, nicely done :)
